New Years, Goals Guest User New Years, Goals Guest User

A New Look on the New Year

Christmas is fast approaching, and with it comes a new year! Many people look at the new year as a reset to start things fresh. Others look at the new year as a way to improve themselves. This includes things such as exercise, goal setting, mental fitness, etc. However, there's more to self improvement than just the typical New Year's resolutions. Here are some more unique ways to ensure happiness in 2022!

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Christmas, Volunteer Guest User Christmas, Volunteer Guest User

Giving Back This Holiday Season

Christmas is finally in the air! You can just feel the excitement! However, as the saying goes, Christmas is the season of giving. That doesn't just mean presents though. It means giving back to the community, giving back to those in need, or giving back to those that just need a little help. There are a ton of ways to help those less fortunate this holiday season. Here are just a few ideas to get you started on making a difference in someones life this Christmas.

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Christmas, Party Guest User Christmas, Party Guest User

Planning Your Christmas Party

Are you in charge of hosting Christmas dinner or a Christmas party this year? Since a lot of families kept it small last year or skipped Christmas festivities all together due to world events, you may need a quick refresher on how to throw a wonderful Christmas party. Even if you don't need a refresher, I may give you some tips and ideas you may not have thought about. Here are some ways to make your Christmas party the best this ever!

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Christmas, Wreaths, Decorations Guest User Christmas, Wreaths, Decorations Guest User

It's Time to Start Decorating for Christmas

Halloween is over, so that means it's okay to start putting up Christmas decorations right?... Absolutely! It's definitely time to deck the halls and get those decorations out of the box and put up around your home! We're now only a few weeks out from Christmas, so the earlier the better! In this blog we will feature some of our beautiful products that will look perfect in your home, and go over why you shouldn't wait to decorate for Christmas.

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Shopping, Christmas, Sales Guest User Shopping, Christmas, Sales Guest User

Planning Out Your Christmas Shopping

The holiday season is quickly approaching! It will be here before you know it. If you’re anything like most people, Christmas sneaks up on you, and you are scrambling at the last minute to get all your Christmas shopping done. Once you start scrambling, you start to lose some of the enjoyment of Christmas shopping, and you can start to get very stressed out. But fear not! I will give you some ways to plan out your Christmas shopping so you stay ahead of the game and save money while doing it.

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Christmas, Activities Guest User Christmas, Activities Guest User

Christmas Activities for the Whole Family

Christmas isn’t just shopping and parties, there are also so many other fun activities that the whole family can enjoy! Christmas is about being together with your family and friends and connecting with them. A perfect way to not only get in the Christmas spirit but also to have a blast with your loved ones is to partake in various activities revolving around Christmas and the winter season. Here are some ideas that you can try out this year!

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Decorations, Christmas Tree Guest User Decorations, Christmas Tree Guest User

Themed Christmas Trees

Do you put up a themed Christmas tree in your house? Themed Christmas trees are a perfect way to keep decorating fun and intriguing each and every year! They also are a great conversation piece whenever you have guests over for Christmas get-togethers. Once you have your themed tree it can also be a great idea to search for new ornaments every year that fit your tree’s theme perfectly. It’s like a little scavenger hunt while you’re out Christmas shopping. If you don’t have a themed tree yet, here are a few ideas to get you started!

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Christmas, Movies Guest User Christmas, Movies Guest User

The Best Christmas Movies

Christmas movies are a vital part of making Christmas feel like Christmas. The great thing about Christmas movies is that there's hardly any bad ones and so many great ones! Below I will go over the best Christmas movies in my opinion and why.

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Decorations, Christmas, Wreaths Guest User Decorations, Christmas, Wreaths Guest User

High Quality Decorations Save You Money

Do you like the look of real wreaths, but don't like the time and effort it takes to buy a new one each time the Christmas season comes around? Well, we're right there with you! It can be expensive and take lots of time to make sure to find a great wreath every year. Let's go over why I think our Aspen Valley Christmas wreaths may be exactly what you're looking for instead.

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Christmas, Tips, Dinner Guest User Christmas, Tips, Dinner Guest User

Make Christmas Less Stressful This Year

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! There are family gatherings, delicious food, presents, traditions, and more to look forward to every year! Sometimes since there is so much to do, there can be a little bit of stress that comes along with the holidays. However, there are plenty of ways to make Christmas less stressful and focus on the important things like having fun and spending quality time with family. So let’s go over how you can make this year's Christmas a breeze, shall we?

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Christmas, Tradition, Food Guest User Christmas, Tradition, Food Guest User

Christmas Around the World

While most popular in the United States, Christmas is celebrated around the world! However, celebrations can look a little different depending on which country you are in. It’s interesting to see how different countries celebrate this holiday and how their traditions differ from ours here in the U.S. So, let's take a look and see how some other countries celebrate Christmas. You might just learn a new way to celebrate!

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