A New Look on the New Year

Christmas is fast approaching, and with it comes a new year! Many people look at the new year as a reset to start things fresh. Others look at the new year as a way to improve themselves. This includes things such as exercise, goal setting, mental fitness, etc. However, there's more to self improvement than just the typical New Year's resolutions. Here are some more unique ways to ensure happiness in 2022!

Book That Trip

I feel like we always get asked the question, "if you could travel anywhere, where would you go"? Whenever we give our answer, it always seems like some sort of dream that is unlikely to happen. I would implore you to change that mindset. Now is the time to book that dream vacation you have always wanted. Everyone has their ideal destination, so make that become a reality. Not only are you going somewhere you've always wanted to go, but vacationing is the perfect way to clear your mind and have a real positive metal reset.

Strengthen Relationships With Friends and Family

A great way to become a better version of yourself in 2022 is to strengthen the bonds with your family and friends. Being around those that you care about more often will automatically make next year great. It's also a good idea to support those you care about. Whether it's helping with small favors or big projects, you will feel good about yourself for helping out. Also, your loved ones will appreciate the help and hopefully return the favor.

Random Acts of Kindness

The world could always use some more kindness. That's why you should make it a point to do a random act of kindness at least once per week! This could be things like paying for the person behind you in a drive through, or you can leave your server a bigger tip than normal at a restaurant. You can also do something as simple as picking up trash. Hopefully by paying it forward it triggers a sort of domino effect having multiple people do something kind. It will bring you great happiness knowing you are changing the world for the better by doing something for others.

   Commit to Time for Yourself

Making time for yourself should be a conscious part of your new year. Taking time to meditate, write in a journal, practice breath work, take on a new hobby and walking more can be key to lowering stress levels. Just twenty minutes per day that is dedicated to some of these activities can help reduce the stress from everyday life. In many cases these things can also help sleep, productivity and mental clarity. It's not always easy to make the time so put it on your schedule and make it part of your daily routine. Don't be afraid to try something new. It could end up being an integral part of your daily life.


There's nothing wrong with the typical New Year's Resolutions like joining a gym, being more organized, or being better with your money. However, I've given you some more unique ideas to improve your overall happiness in 2022! Finally going on your dream vacation will boost your joy to new heights! Spending more time with your loved ones is a great way to ensure you feel loved and cared about. Doing small kind deeds each week will give you the peace of mind that you're promoting positivity. So here's to an amazing 2022! Focus on your happiness!

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