Giving Back This Holiday Season

Christmas is finally in the air! You can just feel the excitement! However, as the saying goes, Christmas is the season of giving. That doesn't just mean presents though. It means giving back to the community, giving back to those in need, or giving back to those that just need a little help. There are a ton of ways to help those less fortunate this holiday season. Here are just a few ideas to get you started on making a difference in someones life this Christmas.

Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter

This time of year can be tough for those who are homeless. Not only is it colder this time of year, but they are also missing family and friends. A great way to bring some joy to the homeless is to volunteer at a shelter. I have found that the easiest way to get involved is to sign up to serve meals. It's a perfect way to spark some joy and help out. A hot meal goes a long way, especially for families in need. There are also more long term volunteer opportunities if you're interested. Just be sure to reach out to your local shelter and commit to something on their schedule.

Help Out a Neighbor 

You may have a neighbor that needs a little extra help this year. Maybe they are more elderly and need some assistance, or maybe it's a neighbor that's just going through a tough time. Maybe its someone you have never even officially met before. Here are some ways to get in the giving spirit close to home. You can offer to go grocery shopping for your neighbor. Grocery shopping can be stressful for the elderly, so I'm sure they would appreciate you making a shopping run for them. Another way you can brighten a neighbor's day is to cook them a meal or bake them some treats. Double your meal prep and take the extra and drop off dinner. Also, brownies, cookies, cakes, or pies are good ideas any time of year. This simple gesture can really brighten someones day!

Volunteer at an Animal Shelter 

These little guys need some love too during the Christmas season. The animals in the shelters are still waiting for their forever homes and may not find one in time for Christmas. However, you can volunteer to help out by walking dogs, cleaning or taking care of the animals. Even just sitting and visiting with them will brighten their day. I'm sure the shelter animals will love the attention while they wait for their new home. Who knows, you may just end up taking a new furry family member home!

Pick Up Trash Around Your Neighborhood

While this may not affect someone directly, picking up trash around the neighborhood is an easy way to help out your community. Ask some of your neighbors, family, and friends to help out to make it a bonding and fun experience. There's nothing like having some fun while doing something selfless! Having a clean neighborhood will improve the mood and pride overall, just in time for Christmas!


Look, I get it. December is the busiest time of the year. If you don't have the time to put in volunteer hours, you could always donate. You can donate food and clothes to a homeless shelter. You can donate toys to a children's hospital. You can donate pet food to your local animal shelter. You can also just find your favorite charity and donate money. Every dollar make a difference!


Christmas is ultimately about giving and helping others. Whether you volunteer or donate, you are truly making a change in someone's life for the better. These are just a few ways to make a difference this season, but there are plenty more. Get creative and find ways that you can impact your community for the better.

Our goal at Aspen Valley Christmas is to make that age-old adage true for your Christmas thru providing holiday décor that surprises and delights our customers and their guests at Christmas time. We work hard to bring the best in the quality, craftsmanship and materials.  We choose to use premium materials to differentiate us from products typically found at big box retailers and mass market retailers.


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