Christmas is Around the Corner

It's never too early to start thinking about Christmas! Mostly because before you know it, the holiday season will be here. So what can you do to make sure December doesn't sneak up on you? Well, I have a few ideas that will keep you ahead of the game and ready for all the Christmas festivities.

Pre Planning for Classic Christmas Traditions

It's so easy to put off all the responsibilities that come with the Christmas season. However, procrastination will leave you stressed with your hair turning white like snow! So the simple solution is to start planning ahead now. Here's a few examples of what you should be starting to think about so you can keep the holidays jolly!


Okay let's admit it, it can get kinda expensive around Christmas time. From presents to decorations to entertainment, expenses can add up quickly! My advice would be to start purchasing ahead of time so that the expenses do not come all at the same time. I would recommend making a list and starting to purchase those items as early as possible to spread out the expenses that are associated with the holidays.

Start Your Shopping

One of the most stressful things for me about Christmas is actually buying gifts. I end up waiting until the last minute and end up buying subpar gifts. If you start thinking about what to get everyone on your list now, you will be much more relaxed down the line and you can get everyone better gifts. This will also help you avoid the buying rush for decorations, gifts, etc. It's also a great feeling to start October and have half of your shopping done and behind you.You also might save some money if you start looking for deals now instead of closer to the holiday season.


Mark Your Calendars

I'm not talking about the actual Christmas date of December 25th when I say mark your calendars. I'm talking about all the other events that occur during the holiday season. Try to schedule a date now for when to put up decorations. This will give you a clear goal

and plenty of time to prepare. Also try to plan things such as shopping days, family dinners, and more so you stay ahead of the curve and ready far ahead of time so you are not trying to fit everything in at the last minute. Also, planning these events so far in advance will get you excited for Christmas early! It gives you something to look forward to. 

Take Inventory of Your Christmas Decorations Early

There's nothing worse than when you are in the middle of putting up decorations and then realizing you need something else. That's why I would recommend taking a look at everything you have now. That way you can see if you need to buy more decorations, see if things need repair. Making sure your house is the most festive it can be, really makes a difference. It sets the whole mood of Christmas. If you need some more beautiful decorations, please take a look at our site!



Everyone always assumes they have time! Yet, they end up in a mad dash at the end to order what they need and get items delivered on time. This is your chance to start early and avoid that anxiety. If you are reading this, you probably love Christmas and the holiday season as much as we do. Start today, you'll be glad you did!



Planning ahead and starting now for the holidays will help keep things fun around Christmas like they should be. As long as you have a plan for your budget, events, and decorations this far in advance, you should be able to better enjoy the season and not be surprised come November.

Our goal at Aspen Valley Christmas is to make that age-old adage true for your Christmas thru providing holiday décor that surprises and delights our customers and their guests at Christmas time.  We work hard to bring the best in the quality, craftsmanship and materials.  We choose to use premium materials to differentiate us from products typically found at big box retailers and mass market retailers.


Quality Matters When it Comes to Christmas Decorations